Thursday, December 2, 2010

Assignment # 5- Blog Entry # 1 Female Infanciticide

While the original topic of my final essay was affirmative action, I have instead chosen to explore the issue of female infanticide. In Black Social Movements class, we discussed the great contributions of women throughout society and the lack of appreciation for their efforts due to gender bias. In Sonia Nazario's presentation she discusses the global effects of immigration and it's influence on the relationship between mothers and children. For this essay, I have chosen to focus instead on the issue of female infanticide. I wanted to gain a better understanding of how son preference inadvertently contributes to the devaluation of women worldwide. Though I have chosen to focus primarily on its prevalence in India,I find that my conclusions can be applied to the objectification of women in the U.S. Female infanticide is a complicated issue. While it may be condoned throughout many Indian communities it is looked down upon by much of the Western society. I want to explore the reasons why women feel pressured to partake in this practice and what the social force are.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Assignment #5- Blog Entry #2 Critical Reasoning

 While studying the issue of affirmative action, I found that the much of the controversy surrounding the program arising from differences in theory and practice. The term affirmative action first came to use under the presidency of John F.Kennedy in the 1961 Executive Order 10925.It was during this time that employers hired and treated workers of different race, ethnicity, religion,  and sex in the fair manner. Under the presidency of Johnson the plan came into action as efforts were made to ensure that institutions receiving government funds adhered to laws prohibiting discrimination. While individuals were aware of the long history of oppression, discrimination, and violence minorities had faced in the U.S, the program was not aimed at disadvantaging one race for the benefit of another. The goal was to provide students from minority backgrounds with equal opportunities to receive higher education regardless of their race, class, etc. Nevertheless, the term affirmative action has developed negative connotation as universities and colleges have been banned from the use of quotas during the admission process (University of California v. Bakke). For this paper, I am exploring how the perception of affirmative action has resulted in the recent backlash against the program. I am also studying how the program may or may not differ in practice form theory and what evidence there is to show that it is or is not beneficial. I believe that many view the issue on a personal level and then decide whether or not to support in based on if they feel it is or isn't beneficial to there educational success. I feel this paper will give me an opportunity to inform myself about a controversial issue and to determine how it relates to current friends who are currently applying to universities.

Logical Fallacies- Hasty Generalizations

This advertisement displays the logical fallacy known as hasty generalization. The Old Spice ad begins with assuming that all women are heterosexual and attracted to the same type of man. It characterizes this male as being adventurous, wealthy, handsome, athletic and powerful. The ad makes that claim that if men wear Old Spice they will be able to have these attributes and therefore be more attractive to their partners. The ad uses examples such as a man backing a cake or riding a motorcycle to illustrate that those are the activities women enjoy and that men who wear Old Spice will be able to do them. The ad creates a false representation of the majority of men and what women desire. It sells one image of the perfect room and leaves little room for individuals to deviant from the role of the "Macho Ladies' Man".In many ways, it leads uninformed consumers to base their ideals of the perfect mate off of these images and to judge males based on these characteristics.