Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Logical Fallacies- Hasty Generalizations

This advertisement displays the logical fallacy known as hasty generalization. The Old Spice ad begins with assuming that all women are heterosexual and attracted to the same type of man. It characterizes this male as being adventurous, wealthy, handsome, athletic and powerful. The ad makes that claim that if men wear Old Spice they will be able to have these attributes and therefore be more attractive to their partners. The ad uses examples such as a man backing a cake or riding a motorcycle to illustrate that those are the activities women enjoy and that men who wear Old Spice will be able to do them. The ad creates a false representation of the majority of men and what women desire. It sells one image of the perfect room and leaves little room for individuals to deviant from the role of the "Macho Ladies' Man".In many ways, it leads uninformed consumers to base their ideals of the perfect mate off of these images and to judge males based on these characteristics.

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