Monday, September 27, 2010

Better Use of Social Network Activism

Movements can make better use out of social networks by emphasizing their use as a source to promote their efforts. Social networks allow for faster and more efficient communication across the globe.Currently, I am in the process of  trying to bring back the USAS (United Students Against Sweatshops).While working with a former member I have studied the use of pages on Facebook and blogs to attract the attention of possible members. I plan to use these outlets to also help inform other about the issue of vendors using sweatshops to produce university clothing. However, I still believe it is important hold meetings in order to have some sort of face-to-face interaction which helps to ensure members are committed to the work and capable/committed to taking on specific causes.A recent social network tools involves webcasts which USAS previously  used to allow students from different universities to communicate and share information on efforts they have made on their campius to further the movement. This allows students to know which activities have been most effective and beneficial.
The use of social networks in activism will also prove more effective if they ensure they are used to attract larger more diverse audiences. As it is more expensive to travel, the use of social networks to communicate can facilitate the creation of  large groups of individuals who can further the mission of the organization in other states and countries allowing it to gain momentum and attention. In essence, social networks are mean to be used as tools or resources to help activist but not to entirely replace face0to face interaction.

Monday, September 20, 2010

"Social Network Activism"

Social networks such as Myspace and Facebook often allow people to connect and share important news.Though some remain skeptical about their use in social activism it can be noted that the groups or pages formed often attract large numbers and allow people to connect faster and easier. For many years, I myself strayed away from using such networks due to the negative stigmas attached to them as many warned that schools and companies had begun checking profiles to ensure students and employees, respectively displayed discretion in and out of the workplace. However, after creating a Facebook and connecting with friends and relatives whom I had not spoken to in years, I find that these networks can be quite beneficial.

In regard to the activism taking place on these networks, I feel that some may prove more effective than others.Receiving requests from groups promoting a "Greener" world and helping the children of Darfur, I feel that each page offers something different but it is up to me to determine if I would like to take part in these movements. A social movement requires a redistribution of power from an oppressive, more powerful group to another. This process cannot occur overnight with the click of a button it requires hard work and dedication. I have not been compelled to continue to my work outside of signing petitions and donating money.

Personally, I have been more involved within groups calling for face-to-face interaction.I feel that being surrounded by people who are passionate and informed about a issue inspires me to do the same.Staring at a computer screen doesn't produce the same effect.Though these networks can be effective tools for promoting events, attracting followers, raising awareness and collecting donations. I feel they should continue to be used as a "tool" and not replace hands on involvement.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Blog Entry #2-Effectiveness of Spokesperson

After coming public about her abusive relationship with Chris Brown with Diane Sawyer on 20/20, Rihanna's popularity and appeal as a role model for young women has grown.While many questioned CoverGirl's choice to run ads just weeks after the event, I believe that it was a smart marketing move on their part as it showed consumers they were supportive of their spokesperson.Shortly after, it was released that Revlon had secretly been conducting polls to determine Rihanna's popularity and marketability. Nevertheless, none of this has negatively affected her role as a spokesperson.Her ability to come forward has in a sense made her the cover girl of domestic abuse and a role model for young women worldwide.

She displays and air of confidence and a desire to move on with her life.
Today, she stands a respected figure throughout the fashion industry with a new deal with Gucci for her edgy style.Despite her change in appearance and sound, fans still continue to support her and, it is this simple fact that proves she has altered the stereotypes and remains an effective spokesperson.She wants women to learn from her mistakes.Rather than remain subservient and play the roles of past women as the powerless and obedient servant, she has chosen to show that women do have choices.She is a role model for all and respected for her ability to rise above this incident.

Blog Entry #1-Change of Spokesperson

Hello Fellow Bloggers,
                 Previously, I had mentioned my plan to use Beyonce Knowles as my spokesperson. I intended to determine how effective she is at enticing consumers to buy the product and as a representation of minorities.However, after much thought I have concluded that I should use Rihanna as my spokesperson. I feel her effectiveness as a spokesperson has drastically changed from the period before her abusive relationship with ex-boyfriend Chris Brown became public and now after. Rihanna's rise to fame differed from that of Beyonce's being that she was born on the island of Barbados and did not obtain popularity as early.Nevertheless, Rihanna portrayal within ads for CoverGirl and Gucci differs from that of past spokespersons.For example,Aunt Jemima was often pictured in headwraps and aprons.She also appeared overweight and happy which tended to be characteristics of the plantation "mammy". Whereas Rihanna is often pictured in jewels and expensive gowns sending viewers message of confidence,wealth and success. Her ads also tend not to place too much emphasis on her accent whereas in other ads depicting  people of latino or asian backgrounds would emphasize these "faults".