Thursday, September 9, 2010

Blog Entry #1-Change of Spokesperson

Hello Fellow Bloggers,
                 Previously, I had mentioned my plan to use Beyonce Knowles as my spokesperson. I intended to determine how effective she is at enticing consumers to buy the product and as a representation of minorities.However, after much thought I have concluded that I should use Rihanna as my spokesperson. I feel her effectiveness as a spokesperson has drastically changed from the period before her abusive relationship with ex-boyfriend Chris Brown became public and now after. Rihanna's rise to fame differed from that of Beyonce's being that she was born on the island of Barbados and did not obtain popularity as early.Nevertheless, Rihanna portrayal within ads for CoverGirl and Gucci differs from that of past spokespersons.For example,Aunt Jemima was often pictured in headwraps and aprons.She also appeared overweight and happy which tended to be characteristics of the plantation "mammy". Whereas Rihanna is often pictured in jewels and expensive gowns sending viewers message of confidence,wealth and success. Her ads also tend not to place too much emphasis on her accent whereas in other ads depicting  people of latino or asian backgrounds would emphasize these "faults".

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