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http://www.bloggersbase.com/love-and-relationships/female-infanticide-killing-of-girls-love/ |
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Assignment # 5- Blog Entry # 1 Female Infanciticide
While the original topic of my final essay was affirmative action, I have instead chosen to explore the issue of female infanticide. In Black Social Movements class, we discussed the great contributions of women throughout society and the lack of appreciation for their efforts due to gender bias. In Sonia Nazario's presentation she discusses the global effects of immigration and it's influence on the relationship between mothers and children. For this essay, I have chosen to focus instead on the issue of female infanticide. I wanted to gain a better understanding of how son preference inadvertently contributes to the devaluation of women worldwide. Though I have chosen to focus primarily on its prevalence in India,I find that my conclusions can be applied to the objectification of women in the U.S. Female infanticide is a complicated issue. While it may be condoned throughout many Indian communities it is looked down upon by much of the Western society. I want to explore the reasons why women feel pressured to partake in this practice and what the social force are.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Assignment #5- Blog Entry #2 Critical Reasoning
While studying the issue of affirmative action, I found that the much of the controversy surrounding the program arising from differences in theory and practice. The term affirmative action first came to use under the presidency of John F.Kennedy in the 1961 Executive Order 10925.It was during this time that employers hired and treated workers of different race, ethnicity, religion, and sex in the fair manner. Under the presidency of Johnson the plan came into action as efforts were made to ensure that institutions receiving government funds adhered to laws prohibiting discrimination. While individuals were aware of the long history of oppression, discrimination, and violence minorities had faced in the U.S, the program was not aimed at disadvantaging one race for the benefit of another. The goal was to provide students from minority backgrounds with equal opportunities to receive higher education regardless of their race, class, etc. Nevertheless, the term affirmative action has developed negative connotation as universities and colleges have been banned from the use of quotas during the admission process (University of California v. Bakke). For this paper, I am exploring how the perception of affirmative action has resulted in the recent backlash against the program. I am also studying how the program may or may not differ in practice form theory and what evidence there is to show that it is or is not beneficial. I believe that many view the issue on a personal level and then decide whether or not to support in based on if they feel it is or isn't beneficial to there educational success. I feel this paper will give me an opportunity to inform myself about a controversial issue and to determine how it relates to current friends who are currently applying to universities.
Logical Fallacies- Hasty Generalizations
This advertisement displays the logical fallacy known as hasty generalization. The Old Spice ad begins with assuming that all women are heterosexual and attracted to the same type of man. It characterizes this male as being adventurous, wealthy, handsome, athletic and powerful. The ad makes that claim that if men wear Old Spice they will be able to have these attributes and therefore be more attractive to their partners. The ad uses examples such as a man backing a cake or riding a motorcycle to illustrate that those are the activities women enjoy and that men who wear Old Spice will be able to do them. The ad creates a false representation of the majority of men and what women desire. It sells one image of the perfect room and leaves little room for individuals to deviant from the role of the "Macho Ladies' Man".In many ways, it leads uninformed consumers to base their ideals of the perfect mate off of these images and to judge males based on these characteristics.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Assignment # 5-Blog Entry #1
For our final essay assignment, I have chosen to evaluate the issue of affirmative action. From its inception, affirmative action has been under fire as some individuals claim that it is an act of reverse racism. Many felt the use of quotas by school to determine how many minority students should be admitted placed more qualified students at a disadvantage.Initiated under the presidency of Nixon, the program was aimed at giving disadvantaged students who had earned good grades, participated in extracurricular activities and worked to better their communities the chance to receive the college-level education they otherwise would have been denied. The goal of the program was not to dis-empower one group for the benefit of another but, rather to level the playing ground.Universities that received government aid would have to show that funds were being used to help diversify their institutions and provide qualified students who could not afford to attend the university with financial aid.However, due to several court cases such as University of California v. Bakke universities are no longer allowed to use quotas. Much of the confusion and frustration arises from the public's ignorance about the program. I am interested in this topic because I feel that without programs such as affirmative action I would have not been able to attend college.I believe that individuals need to be better informed.
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www.opencongress.org |
Monday, November 8, 2010
Assignment #4- Blog Entry 2- Downtown Los Angeles
The gentrification of Downtown Los Angeles poses several different problems for developers and residents. Home to between seven to eight thousand homeless individuals, the renovation of the area continues to further displace and relocate the homeless individuals living in the area. While many developers argue that the development of the region will help to bring in more income and ensure that people do not only work in the area and then leave, many feel the the "renewal" of the area will merely result in poor individuals being moved further out and the wealthy who can afford lofts and condos moving in. The creation of new galleries, shopping centers, and coffee shops has not proved beneficial to many residents who feel that they are denied access to these establishments. Many of the individuals living in the area are not only homeless but also mentally ill, drug addicts, alcoholics, and families that have been hit hard by the economic downturn. The gentrification of the area has been slowed by organization such as LA CAN , a group dedicated to making sure developers include housing for the individuals living within the area and police harassment of residents is decreased. However, the development of the region experiencing "urban blight" is not only negative. Some benefits include maintenance of public transportation, display of art within the area and newer housing.The project already seems to be in the later stages in gentrification but many organizers have learned from past examples of "urban renewal" that it is important to make sure the interests of residents are not overlooked. The increased police force, displacement of residents and loss of historic buildings continue to anger Angelenos who feel their opinions are not being heard. With such a diverse group of individuals living in the area it is important that forces join to reach a solution to the issues to ensure the riots in cities such as Watts and Detroit are not repeated.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Logical Fallacies- False Authority
A 2007 ad by Governor Mike Huckabee seeks to gain support through Chuck Norris's approval of his agenda. The ad depicts Chuck Norris ass a reliable source for information about the politics and tactics of Huckabee despite his lack of experience in the government. A well-known celebrity, Chuck Norris often played the character of the "good guy", a hero who rescues damsels in distress and locks the criminals behind bars. By using Chuck Norris in the advertisement, Huckabee calls people to support him due to his close relationship with this well-known figure. It also leads viewers to recognize him as a "good guy" or someone who is looking out for the interests of the people. By saying that he approves of the ad, Chuck Norris is using his status as a celebrity to persuade others to support Huckabee. This ad is a fallacy because it misguides the audience leading them to believe that Chuck Norris is a reliable source for information on the Huckabee's campaign and role within government though he holds no office and does not seem to have thoroughly researched the issue.Rather than focus on Huckabee, viewers are drawn to the humor of the ad.Instead, people especially young adults will tend to focus on how "cool" Huckabee is because he knows Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris serves as distraction from the purpose of the ad which should be to inform the public about Huckabee and why he is the best candidate.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Assignment #4-Blog Entry 1- USC Master Plan
Though the USC Master Plan seems to offer a variety of new opportunities to "improve" the community, I feel the interests of individuals outside the USC community are not being taken into account. The USC Master Plan in more ways than one seems to be an effort to being in more revenue for developers and the university.In order for the community to truly benefit from this plan the University would have to make sure that community members and developers/investors schedule meetings together in which they discuss what their goals are. I feel that as though the USC Master Plan characterizes the university as a mediator between community members and investors. However, the plan does not raise the question of how residents would like to see the community "improved". On the contrary, the Master Plan seems to define what a community should look like and to cater to middle-class people who will be able to contribute more revenue to the area.
One of my other concerns about the USC Master Plan is the renovation of Jefferson Blvd and for the university to take over several of the businesses in University Village. In the case of remodeling Jefferson Blvd. the university''s plan to reduce the street to two lanes seems as though it will merely result in more traffic. The buying of property in the University Village also seems as though it will not benefit residents. Many of the individuals in the area have grown accustom to the areas and shopping center.In a way it seems as though the university is simply trying to make the area look "nicer" rather than focusing on maybe offering programs from community members to educate themselves or use college facilities. How can the university or developers know what the community wants unless there is some form of communication? Efforts need to center around building ties and trust between all parties. Residents should not be rendered powerless but instead given an opportunity to discuss their opinion about the Master Plan and making "improvements" to the area.
One of my other concerns about the USC Master Plan is the renovation of Jefferson Blvd and for the university to take over several of the businesses in University Village. In the case of remodeling Jefferson Blvd. the university''s plan to reduce the street to two lanes seems as though it will merely result in more traffic. The buying of property in the University Village also seems as though it will not benefit residents. Many of the individuals in the area have grown accustom to the areas and shopping center.In a way it seems as though the university is simply trying to make the area look "nicer" rather than focusing on maybe offering programs from community members to educate themselves or use college facilities. How can the university or developers know what the community wants unless there is some form of communication? Efforts need to center around building ties and trust between all parties. Residents should not be rendered powerless but instead given an opportunity to discuss their opinion about the Master Plan and making "improvements" to the area.
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Sketch of Jefferson Blvd. after the Renovations |
Thursday, October 28, 2010
The American Political and Social Landscape through Visual Communication (EC Blog)
On Thursday, October 28, 2010, I attended a presentation in the Annenberg Auditorium in which photographers Nina Berman and Jon Lowenstein displayed their a series of photos detailing American life. Nina Berman(created the collection Homeland and Purple Hearts) focused focused on documenting the lives of injured veterans. She felt that the images presented in the media about the Iraq War failed to give Americans a clear picture of the conditions abroad.She often pictured the men alone in a domestic setting in order to show the transition from a "warrior" to a disabled veteran.Throughout the discussion of her presentation Berman discussed the importance of showing the ordinary lives of individuals. She appeals to the emotions of her audience yet does not wish to place her work into a category of being anti-war or pro-war.She draws attention to their scars and lost limbs and uses her interviews to show how their ideas about war and being a soldier have changed. Often the men remarked that they joined the army because their liked the adrenaline-rush or feeling like heroes. However, they felt they had been denied the truth. In AMST 252 we often discuss the use of propaganda by the government and institutions to condone war and violence.
Jon Lowenstein (creator of the collection called Shadow Lives USA) instead focused on displaying the lives of immigrants. He wanted to provide Americans with pictures that displayed both sides of the issue. He stated that often people are led to believe immigrants only come to the U.S. to work while many are motivated to leave due to social unrest and violence. He wanted to use his photos to encourage people to create a solution that will benefit both groups. Just as we have discussed in Writing 140, Lowenstein sees the imporatnt of not only appealing to emotion but also informing his audience.His photos showed the obstacles people go through trying to cross the border and their determination.He called his audience to realize that immigrants are also entitled to the pursuit of happiness.
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Berman's photo of War Veteran marrying High School Sweetheart |
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Lowenstein's photo of Immigrant workers |
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Logical Fallacies- Stirring Symbols aka "Flag Waving"
A recent ad by the Courage Campaign against Meg Whitman displays people standing in front of local buildings. The ad claims that she will make massive cuts and turn our state into "Meg's California". Rather provide evidence of her plans to do so or previous examples during which she has advocated budget cuts the ad using stirring pictures to gain the public's sympathy. One stirring image is the photo of a mother and child in front of Children's Hospital holding a closed sign.As intended, the ad is likely to draw the anger of parents who understand the importance of having adequate health care and hospitals for their family to seek medical assistance.
They associate Meg Whitman with the loss of schools,loss of City Hall(opportunities for individuals to question the government) and unemployment. The photo displayed throughout the ad insinuates that California will in essence become a tyranny with Meg Whitman as the dictator if elected. This ad appeals to emotion rather than providing viewers statistical data or other forms of hard evidence.All to often, voters fall for these tricks as they fail to inform themselves.Rather than making choices based off a emotional response to the ad, voters should do their research.
They associate Meg Whitman with the loss of schools,loss of City Hall(opportunities for individuals to question the government) and unemployment. The photo displayed throughout the ad insinuates that California will in essence become a tyranny with Meg Whitman as the dictator if elected. This ad appeals to emotion rather than providing viewers statistical data or other forms of hard evidence.All to often, voters fall for these tricks as they fail to inform themselves.Rather than making choices based off a emotional response to the ad, voters should do their research.
President Obama- October 22, 2010
While I didn't get to see President Obama up close and personal on Friday, I did get to hear his speech. His words as well as the presence of other celebrities made the event a memorable experience. I think it's important that he chose to come to USC. It helped bring the community on campus and inspired people to go out and vote on November 3rd. Often we get excited about people or events and don't do anything to follow-up. It's important that we take time out to really sit down and think about the experience.His message was crafted with a purpose.As college students at this university we need to take advantage of all opportunities to learn whether or not we agree with the message. We need to be informed before we head out to the polls.We cannot simply take the words of celebrities and politicians.
Sonia Nazario author of Enrique's Journey
Sonia Nazario's presentation on October 20, 2010 was truly life-changing.As the daughter of immigrants, I understood the numerous struggles that people undergo to reach America. However, I never considered the effects that immigration battle can have on children. Just like Sonia had never taken the time out to ask her housemaid about her children prior to the event, I too often fail to be considerate of the struggles other people face.I believe that sometimes we get so caught up in our lives that we can forget that there's "someone out there who has it worse that you".
The figures were startling. She claimed that an estimated six thousand individuals had died trying to cross the border.Mothers and children also constitute much of the immigrant population. As mothers often struggle to bring their children from Latin America to provide them with better shelter, food and education.With people riding on top of trains and facing gains and corrupt police officers, it brings me to wonder why these individuals continue to try. Yet when she shares the story of the poor townspeople who offer their supplies to the people. I see the resilience of the human spirit and understand why.
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Photo of a woman who lost both legs while trying to get onto the speeding train. |
Monday, October 18, 2010
Assignment # 3- Blog Entry # 2- During the Research Process
Often vilified throughout history books and films as the man who stood in opposition to the non-violent tactics fellow Civil Rights activist Martin Luther King , Jr. , Malcolm X tends to be overlooked when studying the great figures of that era. From an early age Malcolm was influenced by the ideas of black segregationist such as Marcus Garvey who advocated a sense of black nationalism. Raised in different regions throughout the Midwest, he witnessed the effects of racism and it's dehumanizing effects as he was made to believe he could never be as successful as white men.
While serving his sentence of seven years Malcolm X became dedicated to his studies. Prison proved to be a place were he could further his education. He was drawn to the Nation of Islam after his brother visited him in prison to discuss how his faith had changed him. For the most part historians agree that Malcolm was probably drawn to the Blue-eyed Devil theory of the white man in part because his father was killed by a white vigilante group for his participation in black activist groups.
Despite claims of reporters throughout the era stating that Malcolm preached violence it must be noted that he he truly advocated self-defense. He tried to instill a sense of pride within Africans Americans . He wanted them to under that they came from a long history of oppressed people and that the cycle would only continue unless they learned their value and fought for their rights.
While serving his sentence of seven years Malcolm X became dedicated to his studies. Prison proved to be a place were he could further his education. He was drawn to the Nation of Islam after his brother visited him in prison to discuss how his faith had changed him. For the most part historians agree that Malcolm was probably drawn to the Blue-eyed Devil theory of the white man in part because his father was killed by a white vigilante group for his participation in black activist groups.
Despite claims of reporters throughout the era stating that Malcolm preached violence it must be noted that he he truly advocated self-defense. He tried to instill a sense of pride within Africans Americans . He wanted them to under that they came from a long history of oppressed people and that the cycle would only continue unless they learned their value and fought for their rights.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Assignment #3- Malcolm X
"Martin Luther King Jr. helped blacks get justice. He advocate the use of non-violent civil disobedience, a tactic first practiced by Ghandi", this statement sums up much of what I learned about the Civil Rights' Era throughout elementary school and high school. Much of the emphasis was placed on the work of MLK Jr., as books portrayed him as savior of the black population. Figures whose ideas proved too controversial or seemed "unpatriotic" were often dismissed . Malcolm X, a one-time member of the Nation of Islam an organization which approved of segragation and believed that African Americans should set up separate institutions for themselves, was a devote follower of Elijah Muhammed. Though he later left the organization due to a conflict of beliefs, Malcolm X rose to fame due to his period and gained a wide variety of followers who were attracted to his intelligent and straightforward speech.
He was an influential figure of the period whose ideas on the issue of racism and injustice evolved with the growth of his faith. Though known mostly for his controversial statements, the transformation of Malcolm X and his contributions to the Civil Rights Era should be studied. His position differed from that of MLK Jr. and other contemporaries, yet it is important that students nationwide understand the dynamics of the era and that not all individuals agreed with the tactics of organizations such as NAACP and SCLC.The legacy of Malcolm X lives on throughout several communities rather than just evaluate this figure by his words it is important to understand his position and how the institution of religion also played a role in this movement.
He was an influential figure of the period whose ideas on the issue of racism and injustice evolved with the growth of his faith. Though known mostly for his controversial statements, the transformation of Malcolm X and his contributions to the Civil Rights Era should be studied. His position differed from that of MLK Jr. and other contemporaries, yet it is important that students nationwide understand the dynamics of the era and that not all individuals agreed with the tactics of organizations such as NAACP and SCLC.The legacy of Malcolm X lives on throughout several communities rather than just evaluate this figure by his words it is important to understand his position and how the institution of religion also played a role in this movement.
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Cairo mosque, Sept. 1964 Photo by John Launois/Black Star |
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Assignment #3- Civil Rights Riots
"Martin Luther King helped blacks get justice. He called for the use of non-violent civil disobedience, a practice begun by Ghandi in India", this statement sums up much of what I was taught about the Civil Rights Era throughout elementary school and high school. While some teachers did mention the violence blacks and whites advocating equality faced from police officers and vigilante mobs, they often failed to mention many of the less known "heroes" who gave their lives to further the struggle. Throughout the 1960s a series of riots occurred throughout American cities as a result of the culminating tensions between blacks and whites. I wish to place and study three key riots: Detroit riot of 1967,Harlem riot of 1964 and the Watts riot of 1965.
These riots often foreshadowed much of the violence that was to come as blacks remained angry at the lack of equality in schools, housing, police brutality and a variety of other issues. The riots are key part to understanding the history of the Civil Rights era and show that not all individuals followed King's call for non-violent civil disobedience.Whereas in some cases the riots were the result of retaliation after an incident of police brutality , in others they were peaceful demonstrations gone wrong. This information is a good candidate for re-evaluation as it will help students to better grasp an understanding of the social conditions of the U.S. and to understand that the Civil Rights Era is about more than just a bus boycott.
These riots often foreshadowed much of the violence that was to come as blacks remained angry at the lack of equality in schools, housing, police brutality and a variety of other issues. The riots are key part to understanding the history of the Civil Rights era and show that not all individuals followed King's call for non-violent civil disobedience.Whereas in some cases the riots were the result of retaliation after an incident of police brutality , in others they were peaceful demonstrations gone wrong. This information is a good candidate for re-evaluation as it will help students to better grasp an understanding of the social conditions of the U.S. and to understand that the Civil Rights Era is about more than just a bus boycott.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Better Use of Social Network Activism
Movements can make better use out of social networks by emphasizing their use as a source to promote their efforts. Social networks allow for faster and more efficient communication across the globe.Currently, I am in the process of trying to bring back the USAS (United Students Against Sweatshops).While working with a former member I have studied the use of pages on Facebook and blogs to attract the attention of possible members. I plan to use these outlets to also help inform other about the issue of vendors using sweatshops to produce university clothing. However, I still believe it is important hold meetings in order to have some sort of face-to-face interaction which helps to ensure members are committed to the work and capable/committed to taking on specific causes.A recent social network tools involves webcasts which USAS previously used to allow students from different universities to communicate and share information on efforts they have made on their campius to further the movement. This allows students to know which activities have been most effective and beneficial.
The use of social networks in activism will also prove more effective if they ensure they are used to attract larger more diverse audiences. As it is more expensive to travel, the use of social networks to communicate can facilitate the creation of large groups of individuals who can further the mission of the organization in other states and countries allowing it to gain momentum and attention. In essence, social networks are mean to be used as tools or resources to help activist but not to entirely replace face0to face interaction.
The use of social networks in activism will also prove more effective if they ensure they are used to attract larger more diverse audiences. As it is more expensive to travel, the use of social networks to communicate can facilitate the creation of large groups of individuals who can further the mission of the organization in other states and countries allowing it to gain momentum and attention. In essence, social networks are mean to be used as tools or resources to help activist but not to entirely replace face0to face interaction.
Monday, September 20, 2010
"Social Network Activism"
Social networks such as Myspace and Facebook often allow people to connect and share important news.Though some remain skeptical about their use in social activism it can be noted that the groups or pages formed often attract large numbers and allow people to connect faster and easier. For many years, I myself strayed away from using such networks due to the negative stigmas attached to them as many warned that schools and companies had begun checking profiles to ensure students and employees, respectively displayed discretion in and out of the workplace. However, after creating a Facebook and connecting with friends and relatives whom I had not spoken to in years, I find that these networks can be quite beneficial.
In regard to the activism taking place on these networks, I feel that some may prove more effective than others.Receiving requests from groups promoting a "Greener" world and helping the children of Darfur, I feel that each page offers something different but it is up to me to determine if I would like to take part in these movements. A social movement requires a redistribution of power from an oppressive, more powerful group to another. This process cannot occur overnight with the click of a button it requires hard work and dedication. I have not been compelled to continue to my work outside of signing petitions and donating money.
Personally, I have been more involved within groups calling for face-to-face interaction.I feel that being surrounded by people who are passionate and informed about a issue inspires me to do the same.Staring at a computer screen doesn't produce the same effect.Though these networks can be effective tools for promoting events, attracting followers, raising awareness and collecting donations. I feel they should continue to be used as a "tool" and not replace hands on involvement.
In regard to the activism taking place on these networks, I feel that some may prove more effective than others.Receiving requests from groups promoting a "Greener" world and helping the children of Darfur, I feel that each page offers something different but it is up to me to determine if I would like to take part in these movements. A social movement requires a redistribution of power from an oppressive, more powerful group to another. This process cannot occur overnight with the click of a button it requires hard work and dedication. I have not been compelled to continue to my work outside of signing petitions and donating money.
Personally, I have been more involved within groups calling for face-to-face interaction.I feel that being surrounded by people who are passionate and informed about a issue inspires me to do the same.Staring at a computer screen doesn't produce the same effect.Though these networks can be effective tools for promoting events, attracting followers, raising awareness and collecting donations. I feel they should continue to be used as a "tool" and not replace hands on involvement.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Blog Entry #2-Effectiveness of Spokesperson
After coming public about her abusive relationship with Chris Brown with Diane Sawyer on 20/20, Rihanna's popularity and appeal as a role model for young women has grown.While many questioned CoverGirl's choice to run ads just weeks after the event, I believe that it was a smart marketing move on their part as it showed consumers they were supportive of their spokesperson.Shortly after, it was released that Revlon had secretly been conducting polls to determine Rihanna's popularity and marketability. Nevertheless, none of this has negatively affected her role as a spokesperson.Her ability to come forward has in a sense made her the cover girl of domestic abuse and a role model for young women worldwide.
She displays and air of confidence and a desire to move on with her life.
Today, she stands a respected figure throughout the fashion industry with a new deal with Gucci for her edgy style.Despite her change in appearance and sound, fans still continue to support her and, it is this simple fact that proves she has altered the stereotypes and remains an effective spokesperson.She wants women to learn from her mistakes.Rather than remain subservient and play the roles of past women as the powerless and obedient servant, she has chosen to show that women do have choices.She is a role model for all and respected for her ability to rise above this incident.
She displays and air of confidence and a desire to move on with her life.
Today, she stands a respected figure throughout the fashion industry with a new deal with Gucci for her edgy style.Despite her change in appearance and sound, fans still continue to support her and, it is this simple fact that proves she has altered the stereotypes and remains an effective spokesperson.She wants women to learn from her mistakes.Rather than remain subservient and play the roles of past women as the powerless and obedient servant, she has chosen to show that women do have choices.She is a role model for all and respected for her ability to rise above this incident.
Blog Entry #1-Change of Spokesperson
Hello Fellow Bloggers,
Previously, I had mentioned my plan to use Beyonce Knowles as my spokesperson. I intended to determine how effective she is at enticing consumers to buy the product and as a representation of minorities.However, after much thought I have concluded that I should use Rihanna as my spokesperson. I feel her effectiveness as a spokesperson has drastically changed from the period before her abusive relationship with ex-boyfriend Chris Brown became public and now after. Rihanna's rise to fame differed from that of Beyonce's being that she was born on the island of Barbados and did not obtain popularity as early.Nevertheless, Rihanna portrayal within ads for CoverGirl and Gucci differs from that of past spokespersons.For example,Aunt Jemima was often pictured in headwraps and aprons.She also appeared overweight and happy which tended to be characteristics of the plantation "mammy". Whereas Rihanna is often pictured in jewels and expensive gowns sending viewers message of confidence,wealth and success. Her ads also tend not to place too much emphasis on her accent whereas in other ads depicting people of latino or asian backgrounds would emphasize these "faults".
Previously, I had mentioned my plan to use Beyonce Knowles as my spokesperson. I intended to determine how effective she is at enticing consumers to buy the product and as a representation of minorities.However, after much thought I have concluded that I should use Rihanna as my spokesperson. I feel her effectiveness as a spokesperson has drastically changed from the period before her abusive relationship with ex-boyfriend Chris Brown became public and now after. Rihanna's rise to fame differed from that of Beyonce's being that she was born on the island of Barbados and did not obtain popularity as early.Nevertheless, Rihanna portrayal within ads for CoverGirl and Gucci differs from that of past spokespersons.For example,Aunt Jemima was often pictured in headwraps and aprons.She also appeared overweight and happy which tended to be characteristics of the plantation "mammy". Whereas Rihanna is often pictured in jewels and expensive gowns sending viewers message of confidence,wealth and success. Her ads also tend not to place too much emphasis on her accent whereas in other ads depicting people of latino or asian backgrounds would emphasize these "faults".
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Blog Entry #1- Spokesperson
As a spokesperson for L'Oreal, Beyonce Knowles has truly helped change how black women are viewed within the media.From the Old Aunt Jemima face seen on a variety of breakfast foods to the glamorized ads found in magazines displaying the charismatic and beautiful Beyonce, the roles and perceptions of African American women have changed drastically. Respected for her success within the music,movie and fashion industry, Beyonce has much to be proud of. I chose her as my spokesperson because of the great contrast between what she personifies as a black female versus characters such as Aunt Jemima. Once mocked for having certain physical attributes,black women now possess what many many others are paying for from breast implants to lip injections.The stereotypical "mammy" large and dressed in servant like clothing with a heavy country accent was not meant to portray black women as intelligent or beautiful but rather draw attention to their role as the caretaker and servant.However,in ads such as the one pictured below Beyonce is recognized for her beauty appealing to audiences as a respectable and confident individual. This great contrast is the result of the producers trying to appeal to different groups consumers.
Beyonce Knowles
Beyonce Knowles
Friday, August 27, 2010
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